Overshadowed by Awesome: Later on, you get flashier plants with better side effects, making the peashooter less useful.Also, his upgrades in the Chinese version of Plants vs. More Dakka: His Plant Food ability fires a burst of 60 peas in quick succession.Legendary in the Sequel: At least in the second game, it is mentioned that he has become famous.Gatling Good: In the second game, his Plant Food ability.Frankenstein's Monster: His Halloween costume in the second game turns him into this.Famed in Story: In the second game, he's famous for his role in defeating the zombies in the first game.Combine the aforementioned level-ups with the fact that Torchwood, a plant that boosts pea plants, is unlocked very early on, and you get the most powerful offensive plant in your arsenal for quite a while. Disc-One Nuke: In the Chinese version of PvZ2.Once you start getting more specialized or more powerful options, though, Peashooter will be retired very quickly. Crutch Character: In the original game, Peashooter is the first plant unlocked and therefore the backbone of your defense for the first few levels.Cool Helmet: Gains one during his Plant Food ability.His level-ups give him a special ability to randomly fire 5 peas at a time and boost his stats significantly. In the Chinese version of PvZ2, he can get his level-ups through Plant Adventures and Star rewards.In Plants Vs Zombies 2, his relatively low power is compensated by an extremely fast level gain, allowing him to start dealing much better damage while costing way less sun.You're going to end up using more flashy plants later in the game, but the Peashooter gets the job done most of the time.In the second game, if given Plant Food, he temporarily becomes a Gatling Pea and shoots 60 peas in rapid succession. Costs 100 sun in both games, and recharges fast. They fire moderately-damaging peas at zombies at moderate rate of fire. The first plant acquired in most Plants vs. The Smurfette Principle: The male plants far outnumber the female ones.Super Spit: Several straight-shooting Plants attack via spitting seeds or spores or spikes, most notably all the Peashooter variants.Pun-Based Creature: Most of the plants' appearances and abilities are derived from puns on their names - Wall-Nut is a walnut used as a barrier, Plantern makes light, Blover is a clover that makes wind, Imitater is a potato that copies other plants, and so on.Plant Person: They at least have faces, and according to their Almanac entries, they're quite human-like in personality.No Mouth: Many plants have this design, while usually having at least a pair of eyes.Must Have Caffeine: All mushrooms need a Coffee Bean to stay awake during day levels.Long-Range Fighter: A variation - most plants that shoot projectiles work at any distance, but you'll want them as far in the back as possible so they have more time to shoot at approaching zombies.Lighter and Softer: All the plant designs in the sequels have rounder edges, larger eyes, and pudgier features.The catch is, they’re nocturnal, and are only useful when it’s night out (unless you give them a Coffee Bean). Fungi Are Plants: Various kinds of mushrooms are among the titular "plants" that players can grow on their lawns.Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Fire plants in general do not work well with ice plants in tandem.

Edible Ammunition: As a good number of the shooting plants are based on edible fruit or vegetables, the attacks they fire out also tend to be fruit, vegetables, or seeds.Death Trap: Some of the plants act like this, such as Potato Mine and Tangle Kelp.Exceptions are the defensive plants (in a visual sense, anyway their ability to block advancing zombies stays the same). Critical Existence Failure: All plants' performance will stay the same even if they're at the brink of death.A few certain plants also have their own cooldown after action. Cooldown: Plants are given cooldown/recovery time after planting some plants have longer cooldown than others.Bullet Seed: Most plants (most notably all the Peashooter variants) attack by spitting or launching their seeds or spores at zombies.This trope seems to be played up in the Garden Warfare spin-off, as both the plants and zombies look more militarized. Badass Army: Especially the more powerful offensive plants.Badass Adorable: Most of the plants: beady eyes, friendly, and capable of vanquishing wave upon wave of invading undead.Anthropomorphic Food: Being plants, quite a few are fruits and vegetables.Ambiguous Gender: Several plants' genders aren't mentioned in the almanac.Abnormal Ammo: Most long-ranged plants shoot these.